
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My comparison chart of 4 planets.

Task: You need to compare our planet Earth with 3 other planets in our Solar System. Name:

Comparison between Earth and 3 other planets in our Solar System


PlutoNeptune Uranus
Picture of the planet

Diameter12.760 km2.306 km49.523 km51.118 km
Order in our solar system (e.g 3rd planet from the sun)EARTH - 3rd planetMARS - 4th planet
JUPITER-5th planteSATURN-6th plante
This planet is similar to
(e.g. Venus) because...
Venus is similar to earth because of the patterns on them. Pluto looks like the planet Mercy. Neptune and Uranus are similar because they have beautiful Uranus and Neptune are one of the futhers planets from the sun.
This planet is different compared to (e.g. Neptune) because...Earth is closely to the sun then Mars.Pluto is a dwarf planet and Jupiter is a normal planet Neptune is cooled then Earth.Uranus and Saturn are differnt because Saturn has rings around it and it also has 4 Major moons
Number of moons and/or rings:1 moon3 moons1 moons27 moons
5 - 8 interesting facts about this planet:

1.Earth has life on it.
2.Did you know that Earth has many layers of atmosphere like the mesosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, and the thermosphere?
3.Did you know that most Earth now is sand?
4.Did you know that Earth is not round it is slightly flatterned on the top and bottom poles?
5.Did you know that 1,000 tons of water drip on Earth in 1 year?
1.Did you know that Pluto is a dwarf planet?
2.Did you know that Pluto has a atmosphere even though it is -44 degrees in Pluto.
3.Did you know that Pluto has 3 moons.
4.Did you know that the God of the sea lives on Pluto?
5.Did you know that a 11 yr old girl in England oxford named the planet Pluto?
6.Did you know that Pluto had a different name and it was called Planet X
1.Did you know that Neptune has a similar surface gravity?
2.Did you know that Neptune has the strongest wind in the solar system?
3.Did you know that Neptune is the coldest planet it is -221.4 degrees Celsius?
4.Did you know that the moon Triton (which is Neptune's moon)
is colder then Neptune?
5.Did you know that Neptune has only visited once from humans from NASA.
1.Did you know that Uranus is the coldest Planet in our solar system?
2.Did you know that summer on Uranus last 1 long day (47 yrs)
3.Did you know that Uranus has rings around it?
4.Did you know that Uranus has 27 moons?
5 Did you know that Uranus was the first planet to be discovered in the modern age?
Explain why life is possible or not possible on this planet:

I think life is Possibly on earth because i am living here now.I think that there is life on Pluto because they have 3 moonsI think that there is life on Neptune because they have 1 moon I think that there is life on Uranus because they have 27 moons

Monday, November 7, 2011

Solar System

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are some of the wondrous of the world. I wonder sometimes how planets were made or how did Jupiter get its rings or what really is the biggest planet?

Well on Wednesday the 2ND of November 2011 we did our little demonstration of how big planets were but instead of using planets we used balloons. Our little experiment showed us many things like Earth is just in the right spot to have the living because if we where to close to the sun
we wouldn't any food or land and if we were to far from the sun we would have any sun at all.

Were was this thing well this thing was at Pt England School the time was during midday the students in room 21 were doing it it was an experiment about space.

We were talking about the Solar System how long it takes Earth to orbit around the sun. It take 1 whole year for to orbit around the sun but for the rest behind it will take Yrs. Why you maybe asking because when it comes to Earth there is a barrier of asteroids that collision together and split into little micro Pieces and float around.

Our teacher picked out some people i heard Brennan then I heard Sharon I wish whispering to myself don't pick me don't pick me then I heard Tevitea’s name and I was saying yes yes until i
heard my name I thought myself oho but I had to go so I went. She was giving out balloons I really wanted the sun but no Sharon then I wanted Mars and guess what I got it.

I thought to myself what will we be doing first well first we did nothing just stood around talk. Then we got called to go outside because we had to fill up our balloons with water but when we got by to our bay it started raining and I was happy. I was singing a joyful song in my head. So we went inside and she told us that we had to blow them up.

We had to stand up in lines in order form Mercury to Pluto and the sun all ways has to be in the middle of the planet so it can keep the planets alive. We found out a few facts like Mars has the biggest Volcano and canyon and that the planets move anti-clockwise. I really learnt a lot of things but the one that I still wonder about is if a giant hand Earth to the Asteroids i wonder how could it because it hand will come right into earth. I really didn't enjoy that activity because it was boring