
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Final design

I chose this design because:The colour and also all of the shapes.

* Does your sign meet all the specifications and requirements of the brief? If so, how?
* What is the purpose of your sign? Do you think your sign will help eliminate a problem in the school or street? If so, how? Yes because it will make a difference to some people
* What did you do well?Worked together
* What difficulties did you come across while making your sign?
The colours and the things you have to get
* What can you do next time to improve your project? To work harder and have detected people with me.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Brief Development: 1st Brief

Conceptual Statement:
To produce a sign with a message that helps eliminate the issue of” Standing up and eating”.

1.Keep clear to see
2.Big writing
3.Big paper
6.Easy to read
7.Put in a good place

1. due at the end of week 7
2. must come up with a sign
3. the sign must help solve a problem in the school


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Planning Log

Keep a record of both what you intend to do and what you did over the course of the next 3 weeks as we work through the Technology Process.
The Stakeholders are the people who have an effect on the production of your productThe Primary Stakeholder is your client ie. the person or community of people that your sign is going to be created for. eg. ….ATTRIBUTES:
These describe the physical (what it is like) and functional (what it will do) characteristics of a product. These characteristics are key or essential for the successful function of a product and should be re- evaluated at each stage of the design process.

With your sign in mind, complete the following attributes table:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Designing a sign

Names of people in my group: Toko, Nez, Nate

Your task is to design a sign that will clearly assist in eliminating a problem within our school.
- Make sure you are clear what the task is.
- Can you identify the key words in this task (highlight them and discuss it with a buddy)

Thinking about signs and signage
Type of sign: Purpose of the sign:
Bus stop you are giving way to kids
stop look and listen Check before you step
give way you are giving way to cars
Cats and dogs No cats and dogs at school
no bikes and skateboards in school no bikes in school or skateboards

Brainstorm some Ideas/ problems that we have around our school environment.
*play in the right place
*cats and dogs
*bikes and skateboards

What is your issue in our school? standing while eating.
Who does it affect? Everyone
Why is it happening in our school? Because people want to go and play
When does it happen?nearly everyday
Where is it happening?at school
What needs to happen to prevent this issue? To stop people from standing and eating

Monday, June 20, 2011

How does Technology affect kids?

How does technology affect kids?

Downloading that is a really bad thing to do because if you get caught downloading movies, songs and inappropriate things like r18 things. Some things can be violent and most of them can be rude.

How does the Internet?

The Internet is a good and bad thing but there are just some dodgy things on the net like r18 and adult things. You can bully people on the net because you might back stab on face-book and twitter and GMail all communication's can be deadly because you can do things that are not nice and if some one walks in to your room and sees something dodgy you might get in trouble.

How can we stop the people from going on games all the time?

When us kids play games our brain gets disturbed from all the games that we are playing because if we just stay there all day on games we wont to come to school because we would want to stay home and just stay home. When we kids get addicted to games we just stay their and play for hours when we could be reading or helping people on do there things or other things that they want to do. Games when the first person how made a game is one of the most successfully people in the world.

Is benji Marshall the best league player

Is Benji Marshall the worlds greatest league player?

Well I think Benji Marshell is one of the greatest players in the National Rugby League but he is definitely not the best in the NRL because he is not the fastest in the National Rugby League because the fastest in the nrl is Kevin Gordan because it says on the documentary. But I reckon he can beat any body at play making because he can score tries and he sets up all of the plays for the West Tigers. Benji Marshell is one of the worlds best steppers in the world.


Benji Marshells reputation was ruined on Saturday night because he had a fight with the whole of the warriors team and had a fight with Benji Marshells Bloody Ozzie's. Benji Marshell must be gutted because he is losing his high stakes with all of the people who ardor him and love him as fans.